Hayden's Pinewood Derby was early this year which was nice because Aaron wasn't too swamped at work to help Hayden and be there for the race. Hayden made a black car with fire decals but the day before the race they made him move his weights from the bottom to the top which hid most the fire decals. He was pretty bummed. I should have taken a picture before they did that.
Hayden ready for the race!
Hayden with his friend Bo
Screen showing Hayden got 1st on one of the races
Hayden was having so fun!
Award time
Hayden got 1st on a few races but didn't win overall. But he didn't care, he had a blast!
Here is a clip of one of the times Hayden got 1st place
One Pot Cheesy Spaghetti
1 day ago