4 years ago I got LASIK done and even though it was super creepy and felt weird I was glad I did it. Well, these last few months my eyes have been bothering me. I called a tax client of ours who is an eye Dr just to get her opinion...I told her my eyes get real cloudy and are sensitive to light. She told me I should come in. Well, every test was fine but my eyes were real dry, which I have never had before. So she told me to take eye drops and get on fish oil. Which oddly enough my family Dr just told me to take fish oil too for my cholesterol. So that worked out! But while I was there she said while doing the test my eyes have gotten a little bad and I see better with a prescription. I was so mad.....I don't feel like I can't see but once I saw thru glasses I could tell. So I got glasses and sunglasses for driving. I will only use the glasses for when I am really using my eyes, like reading, computer, TV, and driving. I don't feel like I need it all the time. Plus the weird thing is before LASIK I was near sided and now I am far sided. So the surgery worked, just I developed something new which can happen. Ooh well!

Ooh and by the way, I am keeping my designer sunglasses and will wear them when I am out and not driving, so nobody ask if I am just giving those away. Ha Ha!