This is our fall garden this year so far. This year we planted 3 types of lettuce, broccoli, green onions, carrots, cucumbers, & tomatoes. Everything is growing. The lettuce is doing the best and the 1st thing ready to eat. Lots of Lettuce
"Coach" Aaron always telling the kids to run to the goal. Hayden #5....Go Hayden! Team meeting Game over, we won! They are waiting to tell the other team Good Game!
Paul and Kris (our friends) told us they have this neighbor who has this big Halloween party before Halloween and he goes all out. He dresses like Jack Sparrow, looks like him, talks like him and acts like him. His garage is decorated to look like Pirate of the Caribbean. It looks so good! This guy probably has 20k worth of decorations put into Halloween decorations. All through his backyard and 1st floor of his house he has the coolest decorations and things that look so real.
So since Hayden is such a big Jack Sparrow fan and loves anything pirates we thought we would take him to just meet Jack. We surprised him, he had no clue where we were going. At 1st he was scared to go into this guys garage, I was a little too. But someone there reassured us nothing was going to jump out at us. With our friends help we found the host of the party, Jack Sparrow, and when we walked up to him Hayden said very quietly under his breathe in shock "Jack Sparrow." It was so cute, he was star struck. Jack heard ahead of time that a little boy would be coming to meet him, so he was real nice to Hayden. He talked to Hayden for a bit and then asked Hayden if he saw his treasure. So he took Hayden back to the garage where all the cool pirate stuff was and let Hayden have one of his gold coins. He was so excited. It was a fun night and Hayden was so thrilled to meet Jack. He knows Jack is at Disneyland too so we told Hayden Jack was visiting that house for the party and was going back to Disneyland and that we will see him there too when we go.
Jack giving Hayden a gold coin and telling him to not tell anyone! Pictures of the garage
PJ, Paul, Kris & Savana going to the party. We wish we could have gone too with no kids. It looked like a lot of fun!
Savana and Hayden. Paul and Kris Jason! This was by the bathroom, it was so scary and looked real. It would move and swing the knife around if you walked by it.
My wonderful ward threw me a baby shower Thursday night. I did invite some family and friends to come too. The Relief Society president planned it and with help from some sisters they gave me a great shower. A lot went into the dinner and it was so good! Cameron Perkins (my visiting teacher) was so nice to have it at her house. I am so thankful for all who came and participate in it. It was a sweet way to welcome Emmie into the family and ward!
This is Emmie and I before the shower. She is all dressed up for her party.
At the Shower
Opening gifts
Emmie loved all the gifts but she also loved all the gifts bags, she thought they were purses.
Emmie couldn't wait to play with each toy!
My sister really surprised me with this. I had no clue she would do anything like this. She made Emmie a dress up trunk and inside the trunk she made her 2 tutu's, some bows to match the tutu's, cute tights, and more. She told me she went to several Goodwills in search of an old trunk and then once she found one she painted it to match Emmie's room. Its was a great surprise and Emmie will really enjoy this gift for years.
Once we got home and before I put Emmie to bed I wanted to take her picture in one of the tutu's. The black one really matched her outfit she was wearing that night. She looked so cute. I want to get more pictures of her wearing the other dress up stuff.
So Aaron took all 3 test for becoming an Enrolled Agent and passed each test! He was so nervous it would be to hard but he did good and passed. So now he sent the application in to the IRS and has to wait about 2 months before they tell him if he has been accepted. In case you don't know what an Enrolled Agent is..... It's like how some accountants become CPA's but he doesn't want to be a CPA because that involves auditing and he doesn't do audits. Right now Aaron has his Bachelors in Accounting, his Masters in Taxation and soon will be an Enrolled Agent. I am so proud of him and all he has accomplished!
Did I mention he is also a great husband and daddy too?
Today was Libby's 1st time going to our vet. She was nervous on the drive there because she isn't used to car rides yet. I had her sit on my shoulders so she could see where we were going. It was a typical puppy visit and she cried with her shots, it was sad. She checked out healthy and weighs 2 pounds. Well, the cute part is she got a puppy package and it included lots of information but the best part was her own little stuffed animal which is a puppy. When you push its tummy it sings "I feel good." I thought it was the cutest thing ever! She has been playing with it a lot today but I think Hayden and Emmie like it more.