Every year my friend Leah sends out an email asking if anyone wants a box of peaches from Utah. I always say no to the offer because I have no clue how to can or what I would do with that many peaches. But thanks to a blog I have been reading http://www.youcancan.blogspot.com/ it got me more motivated to try it. So when I got her email this year about the peaches I said yes and decided to try it. So after I got the peaches I started to freak. I felt like I couldn't handle this for some reason. The site made it sound so easy but it sounded so easy I couldn't believe it and thought I would do it wrong. Well, I know my dad has canned before so I asked him to come help me. He talked me into making a batch of peach Jam and the rest I put in jars. It was so easy and I can't believe I let this scare me and keep me from doing it for all these year and using it to build my year supply. I regret putting off learning this but now I am excited to try more things. I love that blog so I might try it all!
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
10 hours ago
So what do you put in the peaches to bottle them?
yum. looks great! i want to learn.
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