For years our family has been involved with the Easter Pageant at the Mesa Temple. From having my siblings and mom in the pageant, to my grandpa's birds being released for certain scenes and my mom has been the assistant to the director for years. Also When Hayden was a baby he played baby Jesus during Mary's Lullaby. So the other night I was at the Temple along with some family and we wanted to wish my mom a happy birthday. The Mesa Tribune was there and took a picture of my mom showing the guy who plays Adam how to release the birds. But while we were waiting for my mom to finish with her photo shoot...haha....I saw the man who plays Jesus standing right next to us. He was all dressed up so I bent down and told Hayden "Look, there's Jesus." Hayden and my niece saw him and ran up to him, Jesus got on his knees to get to their level and started to talk to the kids. It was so sweet. Even though he is not the real Christ the image I was looking at was so sweet and gave me a warm feeling inside. Then while we were waiting for my mom to have a free minute we went into the visitor center to look at the new display of pictures they have of Christ. They have this room displaying all the pictures, its dark in there but the picture have lights on them and church music was playing. Right when I walked in my eyes teared up, you could feel the Spirit so strong in that room and the pictures were amazing. If you haven't already and you have the chance you have to go see these pictures. They are awesome!
Here is pictures of Hayden as baby Jesus in the pageant in 2005

Here is the link to see my mom in the paper. Her picture is the 3rd on the right and it says Shanna Fuller.