So now I am thinking if we are going to adopt again, how are we going to do this. Each one of our kids we got in a different way. It would be nice to get another child like we did Paxton. It was the easiest way but I don't know if we will get so lucky. I will continue to pray and wait for Heavenly Father to guide me to our next child.
Looking back on the day I became a mom.
Hayden was born December 9th 2004. I got to be in the room when he was born. I was in love the second I saw him. Even though he cried for several hours straight. :) We were so excited to get Hayden because we were wanting to be parents so bad. We were blessed to be chosen by his birthmom and that she also let us be involved with some of her Dr appointments and be in the room while he was born. We spent 3 days with him in the hospital before he came home with us and all I wanted to do is care for him, hold him and kiss him.
This is me holding him for the 1st time.

The day we met Emmie (Emmie 15 months old). We heard about her when she just turned a year. We couldn't meet her until a few months later and she finally moved into our home when she was 18 months old. We got her through the state so it was a long process. Hayden was so excited to have a sister and we were so happy to have another child. When we got her she had a lot of little issues for a 1 year old but she has grown so much since coming into our home.
With Paxton we wanted to adopt again but weren't looking yet. We heard about him and were asked if we were interested. Once we heard some information I had a wonderful feeling this was our child. At the time I knew nothing and didn't know if it was a boy or girl. But I told Aaron I just knew it was a boy. His birthmom's Dr was trying to find the best family for him and he suggest us. I prayed he would because I felt so good about getting this baby. Once we heard more info and that it was a boy everything fell into place and he was born a few months later. Paxton was a planned c-section so we were told to be at the hospital by 9:00am. We were and the Dr came out to tell us everything was good and then we got to go back and meet him. He was precious and I was in love.
The day Paxton was born 11/5/09. Our 1st time seeing him Our 1st time holding him
Looking back there was some hard times adopting but it was so worth it and I have 3 of the best kids because of it. I just pray Heavenly Father lets us do it at least one more time.