Friday, November 27, 2009


Again this year we went to my parents for Thanksgiving. It makes it so easy to have them in our neighborhood. Hayden and Emmie brought their Thanksgiving crafts to put on the table while we ate. Hayden made a cute pumpkin at preschool and Emmie made 2 cute turkeys out of pinecones in therapy.
My mom's friend Evelyn got Paxton this Thanksgiving outfit. It reads "Baby's 1st Thanksgiving" Thanksgiving day Paxton hit 3 weeks its going by too fast!

After eating all that Thanksgiving food we attempted a family picture. Not only is it hard to get everyone to look and smile at the camera.... the sun was so bright in our eyes and the wind was blowing our hair. So it was a little annoying. One day we might actually get a better family picture.

My parents with their 10 grandkids, all 5 years old and younger. 5 boys and 5 girls.
Our little family shot

Mom and Dad
My mom and Cinda had a craft for the kids to do

While Hayden was painting his star he tried to blow it dry and got paint on his lips

Hayden also did Paxton's star for him

Towards the end of the day they played football. (Hayden running with the ball)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

1st week with 3 kids

Everyone keeps asking me how it is to have a newborn again. I say its great! Paxton is a great baby...its Hayden and Emmie that are more of the handful. They are super excited to have a baby around the house so they have been so hyper and trying to get away with a bunch of stuff. Plus everytime we have a vistor over to see Paxton the kids do all they can to get the attention. So thats been the only hard part. I know that will all get better soon. They have been good with Paxton, they want to help me with him but he is too small for the to help with much.

To help them burn some energy they have been jumping on this trampoline a lot this week.

I have been taking pictures of Paxton off and on all week. Here is some cute ones I got of him.

Sneaking a thumb suck....Naughty Paxton!

Grandma Ray came for a visit

One great thing that happen this week is Paxton's cord fell off. I was happy because that means I can give him real baths now. It makes it so much nicer. Paxton didn't really care for the bath though.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Welcome home Paxton!

Paxton got to come home when he was 3 days old. Sunday November 8th around noon the lawyer came to the hospital to have the birthmom sign her rights away. Which allows us to take him home and proceed with the adoption which will go final in 3 to 6 months. It was a super emotional time for the birthmom and us. We felt so much joy but it was so hard to see his birthmom suffer. She knew she needed to give him up, it was best for him, but it was super hard for her. She kept thanking us for adopting him but we kept thanking her. She really loved him but needed to do whats best. So it was a super happy time for us to get him but super hard time for her. So we were all crying. After the signing her and the baby were released from the hospital. So we got to bring him home. It was a wonderful feeling to bring our baby home.

His car drive home

Right when we got home he got a diaper change and Aaron fed him. Paxton was soaking it all in.
His sleeper reads "Home Sweet Home" I felt it was perfect for the day!

My mom had Hayden and Emmie so she brought them home. It was their first time seeing Paxton so they were super excited.

Hayden is so excited to have a brother!

my dad came by to see him for the 1st time
My friend Cortney came by to see him for the 1st time

We feel so blessed to have Paxton! He was meant to be our son and I am so glad he is home. When adopting you never know how your kids will come to you and everything about him just fell perfectly into place and it was so meant to be. We already love him so much!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Baby Shower Lunch

The day before we brought Paxton home I had a luncheon shower to celebrate Paxton's arrival. My sister planned this before we knew he would be born that week but it happen to fall on that day but it worked out great. So when Paxton came home the next day he had lots of new fun things waiting for him. We had a nice brunch at Crackers and I really enjoyed every ones company who came. Paxton got some cute stuff!!! I loved everything he got.

Everyone knows I love puppy stuff!

my sister Sara made me a lot of cute stuff!
They have pacifier wipes now....I love it!

We took the party outside