Again this year we went to my parents for Thanksgiving. It makes it so easy to have them in our neighborhood. Hayden and Emmie brought their Thanksgiving crafts to put on the table while we ate. Hayden made a cute pumpkin at preschool and Emmie made 2 cute turkeys out of pinecones in therapy.

My mom's friend Evelyn got Paxton this Thanksgiving outfit. It reads "Baby's 1st Thanksgiving" Thanksgiving day Paxton hit 3 weeks its going by too fast!

After eating all that Thanksgiving food we attempted a family picture. Not only is it hard to get everyone to look and smile at the camera.... the sun was so bright in our eyes and the wind was blowing our hair. So it was a little annoying. One day we might actually get a better family picture.

My parents with their 10 grandkids, all 5 years old and younger. 5 boys and 5 girls.

Our little family shot

Mom and Dad

My mom and Cinda had a craft for the kids to do

While Hayden was painting his star he tried to blow it dry and got paint on his lips

Hayden also did Paxton's star for him

Towards the end of the day they played football. (Hayden running with the ball)