We stayed in San Clemente, CA and was walking distance to the beach. During this trip we went to 3 different parts in San Clemente and one beach in Laguna. Our 1st day there the water was warm and I was so shocked. We all played in the water and had so much fun. As the week went on, the weather got colder and so did the water but we still went to the beach. Towards the end I just sat in the sand and enjoyed being there while Aaron and the kids played in the water still. They just didn't last as long as they did the 1st day there.
Here is some photos of our different days spent on the beach.
A train ran right on the beach, the kids thought it was so cool!
Hayden and Emmie loved playing in the waves!

Hayden found this stuff that I called a "Sea Monster" and loved chasing me with it. He would run around me to try and wrap it around my legs. I would scream and he would laugh so hard. I didn't want that thing touching me!
In Laguna. It was so cold but pretty.
We saw Dolphins swimming really close to us, it was so cool.
Our Last day at the beach in San Clemente