I have been horrible at posting things in my blog this summer. Not only do my kids keep me busy but we have had some big thing come up.
I had surgery- I had to have surgery on one of my breast. I will try to keep this somewhat private and not TMI. I had found something abnormal going on with one of my breast. It was something I have never heard of before and most people said the same thing. Aaron and I goggled it and found I should see a DR ASAP. I called my OB the next day, he sent me to a Breast Surgeon and several days after that I was in surgery. One of my ducts was bleeding. He had to remove it and get it tested to make sure it wasn't cancer. After surgery ( I was still under) the Dr told Aaron and my mom in the waiting room he found something but not to go home worrying, it looks fine. A week later I went back for my after surgery appointment. Good news it wasn't cancer. But the
best news for me was when he told me when he removed the duct he said he
could easily see it was abnormal and it would have turned into a tumor
or worse, so we caught it early. I instantly got tears in my eyes because I felt so very blessed! I am still sore at times but healing well.
We moved- We can't buy a house until a year after our short sale closes. So we will be renting for a year, maybe 2. We are still in Queen Creek, just closer to Gilbert now. We got the keys to the new house mid July so I feel like we have been so busy with this move. We would pack and move stuff over all the time, and last weekend was the official moving day where our ward and some family came to help us move all our big stuff. We really like the new house so far, I like the layout. It's a 2 story house so this in new to us. We have never lived with stairs and avoided homes with stairs all we could. But when we looked for homes to rent in the Queen Creek area there was no houses in the size we wanted in just one story. So far I haven't minded the stairs and the kids love them (expect on moving day they didn't.) The biggest thing we don't like about this house....NO POOL. But again, when looking at rentals we didn't find a single house at the time with a pool. So we will have to suffer next summer but I am sure we will live. We moved far enough where we are in a different ward and Stake so that will be all new for us but the kids will still stay at the same school. They go to Benjamin Franklin and there is one much closer to us now but I wanted the kids to stay at the same campus with all their friends and my niece. I will have to drive them to and from school but its only a 10 minute drive. Once I get things a little more unpacked I will take some pictures to post.

Next big thing- School starts tomorrow!!!!! Hayden will be in 2nd grade and Emmie will be in Kindergarten. They are excited to go back to school and Emmie is beyond excited about going to Kindergarten and being in the same school as Hayden. She knows so many kids in her class so I know she will have such a blast in school this year. Ooh and I am excited too!!! :) Just not looking forward to the homework though. :(