In the middle of Tax season Aaron asked me where I wanted to go when tax season was over. Last year we took the kids with us to our vacation after tax season but this year we wanted it to be just us, its been almost 2 years since our last vacation alone. Aaron mentioned Vegas and I said I wanted to come to LA. When Hayden was almost 2 we came her to go to Universal studios and saw that you could go to show tapping's but kids weren't allowed. We thought it would be so fun to do those but would need a sitter in California or leave the kids at home. So for years coming back to do shows has been in the back of my mind so when Aaron mentioned getting away I thought this was the perfect time. Its about the same driving distance as Vegas so it wasn't like it would cost a lot more to choose LA. So once it was decided I went to different show's site to request tickets. Before coming we got 3 shows tickets... Jimmy Kimmel Live, Chelsea Lately, and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. We were both excited that we got these tickets and to make it even better show tickets are Free. So we chose a hotel around LA and Aaron found one in Redondo Beach that was good. We are right across the street from the ocean but it isn't a beach area. It's a pier and boat docking place but still so nice to be by and the Pier has lots of neat things to check out. Lots of boat, fish markets, people fishing, sea lions, shops, restaurants and so on.
Pictures of us hanging out on the Pier
Biggest Pelican I have ever seen in person
So Monday was our 1st show, Jimmy Kimmel Live. Its right in Hollywood where the stars are on the sidewalks. We didn't hang out there more then a minute because we wanted to get into line for the show. But the little time we were on the sidewalk it was crazy. Its full of people and full of a lot of weird people. The taping of the show was fun. We got pretty close seat and the set was so small and close to the audience. On the show was Vanessa Williams, and another guy I can't remember but he is in the new Tim Burton Vampire movie . At the end they asked us to watch a singer play that will be on Wednesdays show. As Jimmy introduced the singer Aaron got to stand right behind him.
At home I recorded the show I knew you could see Aaron on then took pictures. I had to take pictures of Aaron acting like a dork on tv! :)
The next day we went to Chelsea Handlers show, Chelsea Lately. I am a fan of this show, I tivo it and watch it everyday for since it began. I went to her show taping once before a few years ago with my friend Corntey and remembered how much fun it was so really wanted to go back. This time the experience was much nicer too. They staff/guards we dealed with before the show were so much nicer and we didn't have to stand outside for hours, we got to stand inside and maybe for 45 mins.
It was a fun show and I was happy to see Kathy Griffin too. I watched them take this picture and got it off of Kathy Griffins Facebook page. I was excited to hear Kathy is having a show again on TV
Aaron caught one of Chuy's balls that he threw into the audience. After the show we got to meet Chuy. He sat at a little desk and we got to shake his hand and get his autograph. He even gave us one of the ball he threw. He is so funny! The whole experience was Borderline Amazing!
The last show we went to was The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. I took this picture before we stood in line to get in.

Inside about to watch the taping

(taken off of Jay's Facebook page)
These pictures are from the show we watched, I got the photos from his website.
Jay with Blake Shelton and Scarlett Johansson during commercial break.
As we were leaving Aaron said "Look Jay Leno is in front of us!" I told him to follow him, because I wanted a picture. We ended up right behind him
We hit a red light so we pulled up next to him. We waved at him and took some pictures. He was so nice even though I felt like the paparazzi snapping pictures of him. He smiled for the camera and honked his old fashion horn. We yelled "we loved the show" and he said Thank you. It was so cool!!!!
Besides shows we had fun going out to eat, trying new restaurants and shopping.
Aaron wanted to go eat at this Argentine Restaurant. They served Empanadas. They were so good, we were excited to have found this place and got to eat there. We will definitely go there again someday.
We're like kids in a candy store at Sugar at City Walk Hollywood