My oldest dear friend Leah Bowles Lowe passed away Saturday October 29th 2011. She had been fighting cancer for awhile. At one one point we thought she won. Then it came back. After her bone marrow transplant several months ago she never officially got back to normal. She would take a step forward then 10 steps back. It finally was time for her to be on hospice the end of this week and let her go in peace. Late Friday night Aaron and I went to the hospital to be with Leah one last time. My time I spent with her there was so good for me to be able to sit by her side, hold her hand and allow myself to except she was done and she needed to go so she could finally rest in peace.

I met Leah when I was about 5 years old. We lived down the street from each other until we both moved out as adults. She is a friend who would do ANYTHING for you. We had so many fun times as kids, teens and adults. It was never a dull moment with Leah. There is so much I want to say about her. I have 100's of great memories of her but right now I just can't sit here and type them out. It's hard to put things into words right now. I will sit down soon and type up all I want to share and say about this great friend of mine. I pray that the Lowe and Bowles family will feel God's love and comfort at this time. I miss you already Leah!