Saturday, July 24, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Paxton's blessing
Sacrament meeting was about the Priesthood and we had great talks on it. We even had about 20 men from our ward sing "Because I have been given much." The Spirit was so strong. It was neat to bless Paxton (which is a Priesthood blessing) on a Sunday Sacrament meeting was about the Priesthood. It makes me so happy to have a worthy husband who honors his Priesthood.
Paxton's sealing

Friday July 16th we had Paxton sealed to us. 5 years ago on the same date Hayden was sealed to us. And we were one day off from having Emmie sealed to us one year ago. Emmie was sealed to us on July 17th 2009.

I just love going to the Temple and its so awesome to go in as a family. Its so neat to have Hayden and Emmie there to witness the sealing of Paxton to us making our family complete. I know Hayden realizes whats going on a lot more then Emmie. He knows going into the Temple is special and he thinks its so neat. They have a nursery for the kids to hang out in before the sealing and the kids just love it in their. Every time we have gone my mom always sits with them too. While in the nursery the kids also got to see and play with some other kids that used to be in our ward. Matt and Sariah Lawes who used to be in our ward was their having their adopted daughter sealed to them. Talking to Sariah Lawes online a few weeks before we had no idea we scheduled our sealings the exact day and time. It was neat to see them there for the same reason we were and we had some time before the sealing to chat with them. After wards we got to see Sariah's parents who also used to be in our ward and Matt's parents which are in our ward now and his dad is our Stake President. We had a handful of family, friends and ward members come to Paxton's sealing. I was happy to see each and every one of them there! I was happy my friend Leah Lowe made it even though she just went through her second round of chemo. It just always warms your heart to see people you know and love in the temple, it gives you a little piece of Heaven on Earth.
Walking out of the temple as a complete Eternal family!
In the temple Paxton was perfect and so cute like always!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Too cute and funny not to share

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
4th of July weekend at the cabin
I took Paxton to the play area. I sat him in this bench but he would not look at me. He wanted whatever was on the ground.
Finally he looked at me :)
Paxton playing with some of the toys under the swing set playset
We took the kids for a nature ride. We saw at least 14 deer, we lost count after 14.
Paxton kept crawling to this table and standing up holding onto it
Grandma bought these army guys for the kids to play with, Hayden was in heaven.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Heber's 4th of July fireworks

Fireworks were great. Paxton liked them, I was a little scared they would be too scary for him but he just watched them like nothing. Best part was the 4 firework finales!