Yes, we are getting a 3rd child and its a boy. He isn't born yet. He is due to be born early November. The last date the Dr told us was November 10th. We hired a lawyer a few weeks ago and the legal stuff is being worked out now. Things look very promising and we are really excited and feel blessed. We plan on naming him
Paxton Aaron Ray.

Ok, Some of you already know this but the rest of you probably want to know the details! Ok... its a long story but here it is in a nutshell. We found out a few months ago that an OB Dr had a patient who wanted to give her baby up and a nurse that knew of us from a ward member called us to ask if we were interested. This birthmom didn't want her baby but didn't want to deal with finding a family. This Dr wanted to make sure a good LDS family had the chance to get this baby and told her he would help her choose a family. So as the nurses looked into families with in that day there were 5 hopeful families. We didn't know if we would get picked so we didn't want to tell everyone just yet. We would pray about it and felt good about it but still wasn't sure. I felt like we should peruse it and to not let the 5 other families let me get down. My mom's best friend delivers babies and knows this Dr. I asked her to put in a good word for us. She called me the next day and said she was able to chat with him and I felt really good about it and knew I just had to wait. Well several weeks later we got a call from his nurse that he wanted to meet. While at his office he told us a story how he had all these people in mind who should get this baby (patients of his with infertility issues) and each one was either just got pregnant or adopting. So he said lets find a family and there were 5 of us and one was a patient of his. So the patient was 1st on the list for him and then she said she wasn't ready for a baby right now. So he kept thinking of us and we seemed right so that's how he came to pick us. As he told the story it seemed really neat and meant to be. All that had to happen to make it work. He told the Birthmom he found a family and she is really happy. He doesn't know how much she will want to do as far as her ever seeing the baby while its being born or meeting us or anything so as of now I don't know how the birth will go and when we will get to see the baby. We asked our lawyer to ask her if its ok we are at the hospital when he is born. I am sure it will be ok. I feel really good this should all go through ok since this birthmom has such great help like this from the Doctor.
Hayden is super excited to have a brother and Emmie just keeps saying baby. I know she will be happy to have a baby around the house too. We can't wait for Paxton to come...we feel really lucky to have another child. It is truly a blessing! You never know when or how your children will come to you when you adopt. And all the things that had to unfold for us to get this opportunity really built up my testimony about families and while we are here on this earth. I know through prayer and living our life right we have been blessed. Each one of our kids came to us in their own special way and this one is no exception!
Check side bar for Paxton's approximate due date and what he should look like. :)