Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cabin Fun and Father's Day

Right after the reunion the kids and I stayed at the cabin for a week.  Aaron went home to work a few days but came back up during the weekend just in time for Father's day. 
One day I saw Paxton hiding under a blanket so he can play with Hayden's DS without him knowing. Paxton is always doing something to crack me up.  He did fool Emmie, when we walked in the cabin she didn't see him and sat on him.

 Papa put Hayden to work, but Hayden loves it!

 Paxton playing on the porch with my old Little People toys

 My dad letting Hayden drive. Hayden did pretty good but now he thinks he's a pro and can drive whenever he wants.


 Driving down the cabin road  Paxton asked me to turn down the music because he had to tell me something. After I did he said "Mom, that sign back there said there was a snake on the road!" It took me a minute to figure it out.

Father's day we took some pictures on the porch

The kids got Aaron this orange ball shooting target

 and he got a new nice camping chair which he really needed

Afterwards we had root beer floats

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