Hayden had an accident Sunday evening. Aaron went to throw him into our pool as a joke and Hayden grabbed Aaron's shirt so he didn't fall into the pool all the way...his face hit the corner of the pool decking and Hayden's body went into the pool. Aaron and I both knew instantly he was hurt and as Aaron hurry and grabbed him out of the pool his eye was instantly closed shut and blood was everywhere. As I took a look at him I could tell his cheek had a gash in it and blood was coming from his mouth and nose. I couldn't think, I didn't know what to do so I called 911. I have never called it before and hoped I wasn't over reacting but I didn't want to risk him being worse then we could see. As I was on the phone with 911 I called my parents and they came over fast along with my sister. Then the ambulance, police and firetruck came. Once they heard the story and saw his swelling they were concerned and suggest taking him in my ambulance and strapping him to the board just in case his neck was broke. I was pretty sure he was ok that way but wanted to make sure we thought of everything. My sister in law Heather took Emmie for the night. Hayden and I rode in the ambulance to the ER. My parents, sister and Aaron drove to the Hospital. The 1st thing they did was a catscan. They made sure his neck wasn't broke and checked to see what was broke in his face. They had to keep him strapped in until we got the results back. We went back to our room with Hayden and he said he was sick. He started to throw up. Aaron had to turn him over strapped to the board so he wouldn't choke. We hurry and yelled for the nurses because he was throwing up a lot and blood was shooting out of his nose. After that they wanted to monitor him more so they moved him into another room and gave him an IV. Soon they came to the room and determined he had a broken nose but the good news was everything else was ok and his nose broken in the best way...it broke but didn't move so he didn't need surgery right then. So then they wanted to get his stitches done. They did the stitches on his cheek and then realized he needed them on his swollen eye lid. They had to sedate him for the eye lid one because they had to make sure he didn't move at all. I was worried when he was sleeping but he needed it from all the stress and plus it was past his bed time. By time they did the stitches it was about 11pm. Around midnight we woke him up to see if he could eat with out throwing up. He did ok and then we got home around 2am. We had him sleep with us so we could keep checking on him. His right eye is swollen shut. His face will look pretty bad for awhile but we are glad he is ok. He had us really worried. Even though his face looks really bad he hardly complains about pain. So he is doing ok. The dr who did his stitches said to come in in a week to remove the stitches but we told him we are going to Disneyland. He said that is fine, so we go in Friday to remove the stitches and he said kids heal so fast that he should be ok for Disneyland.
Ambulance ride

Getting stitches and grandma holding Hayden's hand

After cheek stitches, before the eyelid stitches
1st day home. Hayden had lots of visitors. He was excited that people came over to see him. Several people came with treats, gifts, cards and dinner! We had neighbors, ward members and family come and Hayden was excited to see everyone. Lots of people were shocked about his face, but it really looks worse then he feels.

I love my Super Hero!

Tuesday (day 2) you can already tell his face is looking better. But I noticed his good eye is a little more swollen shut.

Oh my goodness. I am glad that he is starting to feel better. He looks like he did really well through the whole thing. He is such a good boy.
How SCARY! I am glad that everything has turned out okay. I hope that he has a very speedy recovery.
Poor Hayden! That look terrible. I so glad his ok and is doing so good. Kids are so remarkable!!
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