Our female Chihuahua (Petri) passed away last December. She was almost 11 years old and she was my baby. When Christmas came around Aaron got me a new puppy. He got me a Rat Terrier that we named Marlie. We have had her since December but just recently gave her back to my aunt. She was a great dog that we really enjoyed but she was destroying everything she got a hold of. She couldn't be in our house and she was ruining our back yard. We weren't even thinking of getting a new dog but someone on coupon sense listed Chihuahua puppies. Well, that got our attention especially when I heard how cheap they were. We thought this wasn't necessarily the perfect time to get a new puppy but we couldn't beat the price and was willing to take on the change of a new puppy. So we went and got her on Tuesday. She is so little its unreal. You would have to see it in person. So far she is a good like puppy, she loves to snuggle and is so cute. Hayden's been really good with her too. The only problem is picking her name. We have several we like but can't decide.
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