Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's a Girl!

We got the email today that we are getting the 16 month old girl. Her name will be Emmie Lynn Ray! We are excited and have lots to do to get ready. We will 1st just get visits with her. For a month we will get at home and over night visits and then after that she will start living with us permanently. We just found out today so I feel so happy and anxious to get to know her and let Hayden meet her too. When I get to visit her I will take lots of pictures and post them. I am hoping it will be soon! Here is the letter I got today....

Your file is sent back to Dawn the case manager. The visits will begin, and the attorneys on the case will be notified that your a "Significant other" for the minor. Please contact Dawn at her email address as well. This case is assigned to Dawn, so all communication can go through her.

Once the case is transferred to the adoption unit you will have an adoption case manager. They will complete the necessary paperwork for the adoption. You will be able to apply for adoption subsidy to assist with some of the minors monthly needs. She will be eligible for State health insurance until the age of 18. You will be eligible to apply for attorney fee payment through the adoption subsidy program. If you have specific adoption questions you can e-mail me.

Thank you for your patience, I know you will do the best for this child.

Sharon CPS Specialist III


Class and Sass said...

OH TAMI!!!! I am so happy for you guys!!! It is meant to be! Ughh I am crying I am so excited for a new neice!!!

The Lowes said...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!
I am so happy for you all! This is fabulous news, I can't wait to meet her. Finally your prayers are answered.

Anonymous said...

Yeah how amazing. What a huge blessing. I am happy for you and excited to see pictures.

Alli said...

Contratulations! You are such amazing parents to Hayden...she is so blessed to become part of your family. I'm so happy for you!

The Hermyzoo! said...

Congratulation RAY FAMILY! I am so stinkin excited for you and excited for EMMIE. SHe is going to gain and wonderful family!

Apryl said...

amazing! so happy for u! We will continue to keep Emmie in our prayers!



I am so happy for you guys! You have been working on this for a long time..can't wait to meet her:)

Adele said...

We are so happy for you! Can't wait to meet her!

Shelley & Scott said...

that's so exciting tami! this is definitely an answer to many prayers for you. this wont be a private adoption will it? i'll email you and feel free to email me if you have any questions. we just finished the process and i'd be happy to help any way i can.

Lauren Howell said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to meet little Emmie. Such a cute name too!

D and H fam said...

Congratulations - that is so great! It really is fun adding to the family, we are so happy for you guys.