People have been asking what's the latest with our adoption stuff and to be honest....not much. We are in the middle of being certified. We did our fingerprints, physicals, and all the paperwork. We do have one home study to do and other then that we just wait now for them to call and say we are approved. Currently as we wait I am working on our Dear Birthmom letter which is a letter you turn in to the agency for the birthmoms to read. It helps them better understand who we are as a family. It sounds weird but it almost reminds me of a job resume. Also we are working on fundraiser's. We have our magazine fundraiser still open and the Pampered Chef fundraiser did pretty good. But that fundraiser is still going too. 2 people are having Pampered Chef parties this month for me and I get 30% of the sales. That will be added to our adoption fund. When I heard how much we would need to adopt at this agency we really want to use, I wanted to give up. But we decided to try help raise some of it with fundraiser's and we are doing ok with that. I am also always thinking of new ideas to help, we thought of maybe having a big garage sale where people donate stuff. If we do that, it will have to be after tax season. So for now we are just waiting, Aaron is working his butt off more this tax season trying to make more this year so we can afford to adopt through this agency, I am really trying to cut our spending of money and doing all I can to make this work. As soon as we are approved we could have a baby within weeks, we just have to be able to pay their price. We will see.......I pray the Lord will provide.